What is Domino?


Domino is a unified platform for the end-to-end data science process. It orchestrates the use of your preferred tools, existing data, and hybrid multicloud infrastructure to accelerate time to value from AI. It also makes it easier to manage compliance, security and cost.

Domino is also a name for the game in which small rectangular blocks are placed edge to edge on a flat surface to create a long row of numbered tiles or “dominoes.” The number on each domino is determined by the most common set, which consists of 28 pieces and includes double-blank, 6’s, 5’s, 4’s, and 2’s. The individual dominoes are normally twice as long as they are wide, making them a little bigger than a business card. They are a bit thicker too, so they can stand upright and be lifted against the force of gravity. This position gives them potential energy based on their size and shape, but when the domino falls, it converts much of this potential energy into kinetic energy that propels each subsequent domino toward the ground.

The game of domino is a simple one that requires careful attention and planning. A player places a tile vertically or horizontally to an adjacent open end of another domino (called the “open end”) and then continues placing tiles in this manner until the entire layout has been completed. Dominoes can be stacked at right angles to each other or they may form a snake-like pattern that is either square or diagonal.

In some games, players earn points by laying dominoes to a point that has been pre-determined. The winner is the person who reaches the target score, or accumulates the most points over a specified number of rounds. The scoring system may be based on the number of pips on each opposing player’s dominoes, or on the total amount of all the dominoes in play. It is possible to have a combination of both these systems in the same game.

The concept of dominoes is a great way to illustrate the impact that changing one behavior can have on others. For example, when Jennifer Dukes Lee began to make her bed each morning, it was a small change that helped lead to a series of other changes. She started to believe that she was the kind of person who maintains a clean home, and she began to build identity-based habits that reinforced this belief. As a result, her eating habits changed too, as she sought to consume fewer calories in an effort to keep up with her new self-image. This type of chain reaction is called the Domino Effect. The impact of good habits is similar to this effect: once you start down the path, it’s easy to follow through and see positive side effects. This is why it’s so important to focus on creating good habits, especially those that are beneficial for your health.