A domino is a small, thumbsized block of wood or clay, the face of which is divided into two parts, each either blank or bearing from one to six pips or dots. A complete set of dominoes contains 28 such pieces. When a domino is tipped, it causes the next domino to tip and so on in a chain reaction that eventually topples all of them. This is the basic idea behind the popular game of dominoes. It is also the inspiration for the term domino effect, used to describe a sequence of events that starts with one simple action and has larger-than-expected consequences.
In addition to the traditional block-laying games, dominoes can be arranged in other ways, including stacked lines and angular arrangements that make up intricate patterns. They can even be built into 3-D structures like towers and pyramids. Many people enjoy using dominoes for artistic purposes as well, arranging them in long lines to create curved or angular designs. These can be as simple or elaborate as the artist desires, and they are a great way to entertain children.
The word domino may also refer to:
A mathematical polygon. A game played with dominoes, in which each player takes turns placing a tile adjacent to an existing piece with its matching end. The open ends of the dominos must be touching (i.e., a pair of one’s touch or two’s touch or three’s touch four’s). When a pair of matching ends is not available, a tile can be placed at a right angle to a previous tile (i.e., a 6-6).
The game of domino is often played for points. Each player begins with the same number of tiles and then scores by laying them end to end. The number of pips on the exposed ends must match: a double tile may count as one or two (a six-six counts as 6, for example), and double-blanks can count as zero or 14. The first player to score a certain number of points in a round wins the game.
Dominoes can also be used to teach kids about the principles of science and math. By demonstrating how a single domino can cause the rest to fall, children can see how a series of actions can lead to a domino effect that is much larger than any one action alone.
In the business world, the domino effect is sometimes used to illustrate the power of a company’s culture in creating success. A company that values listening to its customers, for instance, will be able to respond quickly to any complaints and address them effectively. When a company fails to follow this principle, however, the domino effect can be disastrous. This is why it’s important for companies to stick with their core values.