Domino is a small rectangular wooden or plastic block that features an array of dots on its face. The domino is normally twice as long as it is wide, allowing the player to stack one end on top of another to create chains that gradually build in length. Each end of the domino may be labeled with a number, indicating its value and the order in which it must be played. The value of a domino may also be determined by the presence or absence of pips on its face.
Dominoes are used in a variety of games, most of which involve emptying one’s hand while blocking opponents play. Some are scoring games, while others use the domino to teach kids numbers and math skills. A few of the most popular games include monopoly, draw game, double-six, and Mexican train.
The word “domino” has other meanings, including a person or event that triggers a chain reaction of events. It can also refer to a large, complex system of interlocking parts that form a larger whole. For example, a credit union may have a domino effect when it merges with a larger company or loses enough members to become unstable.
In writing, the term “domino effect” refers to an action that causes the rest of the story to follow in the same pattern. For example, a character’s death in one scene may trigger a domino effect of other characters reacting to that event in various ways throughout the novel.
We’ve all seen those videos of elaborate domino constructions, where the first piece is tipped ever-so-slightly and then falls, setting off a cascade of rhythmic movement. The same sort of domino effect can happen in a variety of situations: One problem can set off other problems, like when an employee leaves work early and upsets other coworkers.
The domino effect can also be applied to personal relationships, and it has been used as a metaphor for the way one person’s actions can affect other people’s lives. In business, it’s important to recognize that you can have a domino effect on your employees and customers.
While it’s not as easy as arranging dominoes, the concept of the domino effect can be useful in helping you think about your business strategy. When you want to make a change, start by making one small adjustment and see how the rest of the organization responds.
When the CEO of a company isn’t getting the job done, it’s time to try a different approach. A new leader can have a domino effect on the rest of the organization by taking the reins and showing everyone what’s possible. When the CEO of Domino’s decided to shift from traditional leadership styles to a more participative model, it was a domino effect that reverberated across the company. Domino’s leadership training has now become a model for other companies around the world. The result has been a better, more engaged workforce and a return to growth and profitability.